Freitag, 24. November 2023

until now


the angle of view

Just like in Galileo's time

The irradiation

The passage


what happens

through me

“mich passiert”

was only read physically.


Now the metabolism

The point of view

In the perception

On the height of a whole

Of 4.5 billion years 


Raised by life in the cosmos.



What happens to the body 

Happened in origin and present,

is now read out mentally by the cells themselves

mentally read out, 

no longer by the head alone.


This is old and new at the same time.


It still has to be realized, 

absorbed and incorporated

into the neuronal process.


Not that easy.

The intelligence of life

of 4.5 billion years

Allow to pass.


A process, 

that changes the interrelationships of life 

at the cellular level 

in the body billions of times as open directional intelligence, 

as physically conscious life matter.


A completely different perception of the world 

opens up here from head to toe.


Seeing yourself.


 A changed view of the world as a whole.


The inner connection of life on this planet

becomes visible as a conscious living body, 

just like the earth itself,

as a whole spinning in space, 

the living being 

that I

that we individually

in the ascent to becoming human 


with others." 


© by  J. G: 

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